I'm sure many people when they see headlines or articles posted about this subject just scroll right past it, not really thinking through what could happen to our children if a federal takeover of education takes place. The far left liberal ideology of this president, all of his czars, people he surrounds himself with, things he has said, things they have said, etc., GREATLY concerns me.
Click on the links below:
Secretary of Ed. Arne Duncan on mission to make your kids "green citizens."
Secretary of Ed. campaigns for democrats? Should the Secretary of Education be campaigning for democrats on our tax dime? He should at least be outwardly non-partisan because of his high position of authority in our government. Should we trust him and others who are like-minded to overhaul our education system? Do you think if our government develops education standards, they might possibly incorporate certain ideas, subjects and philosophies into those literature books the kids read, the history which is taught or the science/health curriculum? (Kevin Jennings has already stated in the above mentioned video what some of his goals are.)
Earlier last year we saw videos floating around the internet of small examples of indoctrination of our elementary age kids.
The Story of Stuff (anti-capitalism video showed in schools across the US) -Produced by the Tides Foundation funded by George Soros
This is only two examples. There are all kinds out there on the internet and in school textbooks and teacher lesson plans. Remember right after Obama was elected before school started, he was going to address the nations school children and the US education department actually came out with lesson plans for the teachers to use with the students after he gave his speech. There was such an uproar about it, I believe they ended up pulling the lesson plans. Don't get me wrong. I think it's fine for the president to address school kids and his speech was an encouragaing, inspirational speech, but I also read through the lesson plans before they were pulled and some of the activites (in my opinion) did cross the line of appearing to encourage the kids to almost idolize the president. This was just another example of the blind ideology of this liberal administration and those in the education system who seem to worship him. The Mmm, Mmm, Mmm video and The Story of Stuff are examples of the beginnings of indoctrination.
Another concern is whether the local school board and parents will lose their voice and authority over curriculum content. What will be the process involved when parents have a problem or objection about content? Will parents be allowed to pull the student out of a class if they object to certain content? I think not, especially if the content is one of the standards he will be tested on.
Right now they're talking about math and english, but the other subjects are being added and I just don't trust the people in charge enough to know for sure political ideologies that push the homosexual incoctrination, safe sex, abortion, anti-capitalism, etc., will not be incorporated into the textbooks and lesson plans. I know what you're thinking....Alot of that stuff has been in the textbooks and is being taught now. That's true, but if we allow a federal take-over of our schools it will only get worse and local school boards won't have any say in what is taught. Kevin Jennings, the Safe School Czar can hardly wait to push his homesexual agenda on our kids all the way down to kindergarten age.
Americans are awake now and we realize some of what's been going on with our education system. That's what the big battle this past year down in Texas was about where the state school board argued for months about what was going to be put in or taken out of the social studies books. For now it seems "conservatism" won one battle, but there are so many more.
Please parents, grandparents, concerned adults, get involved. Make your voices heard. Speak out for the children's sake...for our nation.... * Sec. of Health, Education, and Welfare Joseph Califano advised Pres. Jimmy Carter in 1977: "...any set of test questions that the federal government prescribed should surely be suspect as a first step toward a national curriculum ... In its most extreme form, national control of curriculum is a form of national control of ideas." We should be very concerned about the future of our children and thus the nation. We have to speak out about what is going on in our children's schools because the next generation is being desensitized about good and evil and indoctrinated to believe liberal ideaology. The schools have become Godless zones promoting "political correctness" and an "anything goes" attitude in the name of tolerance. Our kids will be the future adults and voters of tomorrow. Christians have been silent for too long. We have to become engaged in civil dialogue and what's going on in our schools and nation. I'm preaching to myself, too. I joined in the game late, but I'm not going to give up fighting for my daughter and my one day future grandchildren's future and for this nation.
Here's what Gov. Rick Perry and Texans decided for their state concerning "national standards."
Watch the youtube video:
Texas Gov. Rick Perry on the dangers of "national standards."
Allied Women on Facebook posted an excellent update on the Common Core Standards.
Educate yourself on the issue. Click below for info: Try to attend one of the Common Core Standards meetings and ask questions. Point out problems you see with CCS.
If you liive in Alabma, please call or e-mail your Alabama State Board members, especially Gov. Riley and tell them we do not support the Common Core Standards Initiative. Click on the link below:
Alabama State Board Members Contact Info
If you don't know if your state has adopted the Common Core Standards, contact your state board of education and find out. Even if they have, it may not be too late to back out, contact your governor and board members. Tell them what you think.
Here's an informative article here: Federal Take Over Of Education
Tons of Info About the Common Core Standards here: Common Sense On Common Core Standards
I'm sure many people when they see headlines or articles posted about this subject just scroll right past it, not really thinking through what could happen to our children if a federal takeover of education takes place. The far left liberal ideology of this president, all of his czars, people he surrounds himself with, things he has said, things they have said, etc., GREATLY concerns me.
Click on the links below:
Secretary of Ed. Arne Duncan on mission to make your kids "green citizens."
Secretary of Ed. campaigns for democrats?
Secretary of Ed. campaigns for democrats?
Should the Secretary of Education be campaigning for democrats on our tax dime? He should at least be outwardly non-partisan because of his high position of authority in our government. Should we trust him and others who are like-minded to overhaul our education system? Do you think if our government develops education standards, they might possibly incorporate certain ideas, subjects and philosophies into those literature books the kids read, the history which is taught or the science/health curriculum? (Kevin Jennings has already stated in the above mentioned video what some of his goals are.)
Earlier last year we saw videos floating around the internet of small examples of indoctrination of our elementary age kids.
The Story of Stuff (anti-capitalism video showed in schools across the US) -Produced by the Tides Foundation funded by George Soros
This is only two examples. There are all kinds out there on the internet and in school textbooks and teacher lesson plans. Remember right after Obama was elected before school started, he was going to address the nations school children and the US education department actually came out with lesson plans for the teachers to use with the students after he gave his speech. There was such an uproar about it, I believe they ended up pulling the lesson plans. Don't get me wrong. I think it's fine for the president to address school kids and his speech was an encouragaing, inspirational speech, but I also read through the lesson plans before they were pulled and some of the activites (in my opinion) did cross the line of appearing to encourage the kids to almost idolize the president. This was just another example of the blind ideology of this liberal administration and those in the education system who seem to worship him. The Mmm, Mmm, Mmm video and The Story of Stuff are examples of the beginnings of indoctrination.
Another concern is whether the local school board and parents will lose their voice and authority over curriculum content. What will be the process involved when parents have a problem or objection about content? Will parents be allowed to pull the student out of a class if they object to certain content? I think not, especially if the content is one of the standards he will be tested on.
Another concern is whether the local school board and parents will lose their voice and authority over curriculum content. What will be the process involved when parents have a problem or objection about content? Will parents be allowed to pull the student out of a class if they object to certain content? I think not, especially if the content is one of the standards he will be tested on.
Right now they're talking about math and english, but the other subjects are being added and I just don't trust the people in charge enough to know for sure political ideologies that push the homosexual incoctrination, safe sex, abortion, anti-capitalism, etc., will not be incorporated into the textbooks and lesson plans. I know what you're thinking....Alot of that stuff has been in the textbooks and is being taught now. That's true, but if we allow a federal take-over of our schools it will only get worse and local school boards won't have any say in what is taught. Kevin Jennings, the Safe School Czar can hardly wait to push his homesexual agenda on our kids all the way down to kindergarten age.
Americans are awake now and we realize some of what's been going on with our education system. That's what the big battle this past year down in Texas was about where the state school board argued for months about what was going to be put in or taken out of the social studies books. For now it seems "conservatism" won one battle, but there are so many more.
Please parents, grandparents, concerned adults, get involved. Make your voices heard. Speak out for the children's sake...for our nation.... * Sec. of Health, Education, and Welfare Joseph Califano advised Pres. Jimmy Carter in 1977: "...any set of test questions that the federal government prescribed should surely be suspect as a first step toward a national curriculum ... In its most extreme form, national control of curriculum is a form of national control of ideas." We should be very concerned about the future of our children and thus the nation. We have to speak out about what is going on in our children's schools because the next generation is being desensitized about good and evil and indoctrinated to believe liberal ideaology. The schools have become Godless zones promoting "political correctness" and an "anything goes" attitude in the name of tolerance. Our kids will be the future adults and voters of tomorrow. Christians have been silent for too long. We have to become engaged in civil dialogue and what's going on in our schools and nation. I'm preaching to myself, too. I joined in the game late, but I'm not going to give up fighting for my daughter and my one day future grandchildren's future and for this nation.
Here's what Gov. Rick Perry and Texans decided for their state concerning "national standards."
Watch the youtube video:
Texas Gov. Rick Perry on the dangers of "national standards."
Allied Women on Facebook posted an excellent update on the Common Core Standards.
Educate yourself on the issue. Click below for info:
Educate yourself on the issue. Click below for info:
Try to attend one of the Common Core Standards meetings and ask questions. Point out problems you see with CCS.
If you liive in Alabma, please call or e-mail your Alabama State Board members, especially Gov. Riley and tell them we do not support the Common Core Standards Initiative. Click on the link below:
Alabama State Board Members Contact Info
If you liive in Alabma, please call or e-mail your Alabama State Board members, especially Gov. Riley and tell them we do not support the Common Core Standards Initiative. Click on the link below:
Alabama State Board Members Contact Info
If you don't know if your state has adopted the Common Core Standards, contact your state board of education and find out. Even if they have, it may not be too late to back out, contact your governor and board members. Tell them what you think.
Here's an informative article here: Federal Take Over Of Education
Here's an informative article here: Federal Take Over Of Education
Tons of Info About the Common Core Standards here: Common Sense On Common Core Standards