This is a video event I found on the Cato Institute Website. Very informative debate on the National Education Standards being pushed right now on our states (Common Core State Standards Initiative). This took place back in June. You need to watch this!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Troubling Aspects of Common Core State Standards Initiative:
Only one hearing took place in Congress concerning CCSI and no votes took place on whether or not all of this spending should take place. Can we say unconstitutional?
National standards lead to national assessments
A. Assessments aren’t like tests. There is no right or wrong answer. They are subjectively scored
B. This will lead to a national curriculum, which is already being written by Bill Gates (curriculum maps) for free.
C. Teacher’s salaries will be tied to how well students perform on these assessments and in order for teachers to keep their jobs, they will have to teach these assessments on a daily basis.
D. This is how indoctrination of our school children will take place.
E. All information about students and teachers performance will be kept online on a national data base, which is very intrusive. (kept in Washington DC)
How they tricked conservatives/republicans into being silent about this issue:
A. Promised them charter schools
1. These will not be traditional charter schools thought of by conservatives
2. These will be charter schools pushing liberal ideology such as: gay charter schools, environmental global warming schools, social justice schools, etc. like the ones Arne Duncan, Secretary of Ed. was involved with while superintendent of the Chicago school system
B. Tied student’s performance on assessments to individual teacher’s performance –Value Added Assessments.
1. These will be online assessments which will have answers that are not graded as right or wrong, but will be subjectively scored
2. The assessments will take 4-5 days where students will do projects and keep a portfolio and will be evaluated by someone else whose value system may be more left leaning in ideology
3. If you as a parent have a complaint about his/her evaluation, where do you take it, the Dept. of Ed. In Washington? Where will be the local input?
4. Teachers will feel constrained to teach to the national standards because they will want to make sure their students perform well so they don’t lose their job.
5. Teacher’s job evaluation will be dependent on how well her students perform. In California teacher's job performance were published on the web.
What will be the results of nationalizing standards through the Common Core State Standards Initiative?
A. Dumbing down of our children
B. Leftist Agenda –teaching our children to accept climate change, evolution, the gay agenda, anti-capitalism, Islamic ideology; such a Sharia law, anti religious speech, etc….-INDOCTRINATION of our children.
"...any set of test questions that the federal government prescribed should surely be suspect as a first step toward a national curriculum ... In its most extreme form, national control of curriculum is a form of national control of ideas
-Sec. of Health, Education, and Welfare Joseph Califano, 1977
Examples of Ideology which could be taught according to things they have said & written:
Safe School Czar:
Sec. of Ed., Arne Duncan on making your kids “green citizens.”
Young school kids praise Obama
The Story of Stuff –anti-capitalism video shown in schools across America –produced by the Tides Foundation which is funded by George Soros
Pushing Junk Science On Children
Pushing Junk Science On Children
Texas Governor Rick Perry on the dangers of national standards.
Friday, October 1, 2010
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