Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Christian Patriotism

Since I have started a new Facebook group, Christian Patriot Watch, I thought I'd repost my first blog to help people understand the journey I have been on and why this group was started. I hope to spur others on to do whatever they can big or small to wake others up and become watchmen and prayer warriors for this country.

Patriotic Speech from "The Patriot"

I have posted a youtube video clip above from the movie, "The Patriot," which to me gives you some idea of how Christians were involved in fighting for the freedoms we enjoy in America.( Please click on it and watch it)
I'm not saying we need to go out and physically fight, but what I am saying is we need to become aware, engage, speak out, get involved in what is going on in our country right now, or we risk the chance of losing many of the rights and freedoms we have now.

Being complacent or even just saying you will pray about it or discussing it with your Christian friends is not enough. When I was in school, we could pray in school and actually the Lord's Prayer was said every morning over the intercom, before each assembly, before every football game. Abortion was not legal. You could have the Ten Commandments posted anywhere. Look what has happened over the years. Where were we as Christians? I am as guilty as anyone else, so please don't think I am blaming you.

I believe with all of my heart that NOW is the time we as Christians should continue to pray, but also ask God to, "Send Me," or "What would you have ME do?" It may be as simple as e-mailing or calling your congressmen. It might be attend a meeting of some kind that you feel impressed to go to or contacting your friends and encouraging them in some way to become active. Whatever it is, just become involved. Don't be like I was as a young Christian who never got involved in anything unless it was something at church. As I listed above, those things happened on my watch, when I was younger. Now I'm older, but wiser and I'm trying to make a difference. I hope you will, too.

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